For Participants
The Metropolitan New York Registry is one of six research sites that comprise the The Breast Cancer Family Registry (BCFR), an international resource of multi-generational families, data, and biospecimens established for interdisciplinary collaborative research on breast cancer, which is available to the entire scientific community. Over 40,000 women and men from nearly 15,000 families have generously contributed questionnaire data, clinical data and/or biospecimens. Over 150 individual investigators at all stages of their careers, from pre-doctoral students to full professors have used the BCFR resources since its inception, generating over 600 scientific publications.
We are so grateful for the continued contributions of our participants to this research. Here are some of the current opportunities to stay involved!
Current Opportunities for Participants
Keeping up the BCFR legacy
Between 2018 – 2023 the BCFR is requesting updates on our participants’ medical history, family history, and lifestyle! The BCFR has been collecting data through participant questionnaires since 1995 and this information continues to be essential for improving our understanding of breast and ovarian cancer.
This current outreach to participants includes the following items:
- A Consent Update containing more details about data and biospecimen sharing with other scientists, about the return of genetic research results, and about inviting relatives from your family that are not currently participating to join the study. Attached to this e-mail is a copy of the Consent Update for your records and you may use the link below to make your selections regarding your participation in each of these new aspects of the study.
- A Relative Contact Form asking you to provide us with the contact information for your female family members between the ages of 18 and 39 years of age who may be interested in joining the Registry.
- A Follow-up Survey asking about updates regarding your health and the health of your family members.
If you have not received a request to complete these follow-up materials by mail or by email, please email or call Rachel at 212-304-6433 and we will send them to you as soon as possible.
Growing the BCFR Family through the Young Women’s Study
The BCFR is expanding by enrolling women ages 18-39 into the Young Women’s Study! There is very little known about breast cancer in younger women. We hope to fill this research gap and learn about protective factors and risk factors of breast cancer in younger women.
If you have a family member who is younger than 40 that you want to invite to the BCFR, please email or call Sarah at 212-853-7386.
If you are a woman younger than 40 and have a family member in the BCFR or you are a LEGACY Girls Study participant and are interested in enrolling, please fill out this form, email, or call Sarah at 212-853-7386.